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Introducing Twelvepoint

A professional screenwriting app for macOS and iOS — TwelvePoint is the quickest way to write a screenplay on a Mac, iPad and...

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Which App Is Best for Script-Writing?

You have an idea for a movie script, a play or a novel, and you want to start writing, where do you start? Maybe the very first step is to choose a...

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Writing Screenplays With Twelvepoint?

When you have an idea, you want to write it down as soon as it gets to you — This can be the start of a novel or a screenplay for a movie; it...

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How to Write a Screenplay Being a Beginner

You have an idea, and you want it to become a movie or a play... Then you learn screenwriting is the way to go to achieve that, and you start studying...

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Write Screenplays on Your iPhone Is Possible!

Swipe left and Right and publish your movie script! — Writing has always been a tactile experience whether we use pens or typewriters we...

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Turn Your Idea Into a Screenplay

Maybe you have an idea for a movie or a stage play, and you do not know where to start putting together all the elements of your...

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How to Write a Screenplay

So how do you bring your first scene to life? — You have a story, you want to write it down and finally publish it. If the story is a novel, you will...

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Index Cards and More

First, what are index cards? Well, at the beginning of your creative process and actually very much through all of it, you will find yourself...

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4 Ways Twelvepoint Is Revolutionizing Scriptwriting

TwelvePoint is worldwide expertise and best practice at your fingertips. Let's see why TwelvePoint changed the writers create screenplays...

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How to Format a Screenplay as Spec-Script?

Spec script stands for 'speculative screenplay'. When a writer creates a script, not commissioned, for free, without being part of a studio, the screenplay is defined as speculative...

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What Is a Scene Heading in a Screenplay?

The Scene Heading or slugline describes the new settings of a scene...

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How to Use an Intercut in a Screenplay?

When writing a screenplay, clarity is key to deliver your story to the final stage . There are more paths that can bring you to the same solutions. Here we introduce the intercuts! The Intercut is a method to represent...

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What Is a Dual Dialogue in Screenwriting?

We use dual dialogues, in a screenplay, to represent people talking at the same time...

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Screenwriting: How to Write a Montage in a Screenplay

What is a montage in a screenplay and how to format it properly? Which is the difference between one or multiple locations?

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How to Correctly Design a Scene in a Screenplay?

Designing scenes properly is the first step to create great screenplays. Here we study few important key points...

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12 Screenwriting Tips for Scriptwriters

Another page about what "You should or should not do"? No, just a quick recap on what we learned so far from our community and our experience writing for TwelvePoint. We hope you will enjoy it. Let us know your...

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12 Tips for Writing the First 10 Pages of a Screenplay

The first 10 pages of a script are important because they influence how a scenario is perceived and therefore read.

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Screenwriting - a Global Tapestry: Tracing the Evolution of Screenwriting Techniques and Formats Across Cultures

The realm of cinematic storytelling is intricately woven with the threads of screenwriting techniques and formats that have evolved over time, creating a divers

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What Is Screenwriting: Understanding the Art of Writing a Screenplay

Screenwriting is a craft that lies at the heart of every great film and television show.

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Writing a Screenplay Based on a Book

Adapting a beloved book into a screenplay is a magical journey, akin to turning lead into gold.

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Logline Examples

In the realm of screenwriting, the logline is a concise but potent key to unlocking your story's potential.

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How to Write a Skit (7-Step Guide With Example)

Writing a skit is an art that combines humor, storytelling, and character development in a compact form.

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How Can I Write an "Inner Monologue" in a Screenplay?

In the realm of cinematic storytelling, the internal monologue serves as a powerful tool, providing audiences with a glimpse into the inner workings of a charac

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How to Write a Coreography in a Screenplay?

In a screenplay, you can definitely write a choreography for a dance scene, but the level of detail you provide can vary depending on your preferences and the s

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How to Format the Passage of Time in Screenwriting

Screenwriting is an art form that combines visual storytelling with dialogue, scene structure, and character development.

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How to Write Two Characters Talking at Once in Screenwriting

Learn how to write two characters talking at once in screenwriting with techniques like dual dialogue, parentheticals, and staggered dialogue to create realisti

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How to Write Dialogue (With Formatting and Examples)

Dialogue is the lifeblood of screenwriting. It drives the story, reveals character, and engages the audience.

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How to Write Compelling Action Lines in Your Screenplay

Learn how to write compelling action lines in your screenplay with tips on length, indicating action, and using the right tense.

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When Should You Use Underlining in a Screenplay?

Learn when to use underlining in a screenplay to enhance readability and professionalism.

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