Presentamos TwelvePoint

Guión, esquematización y gestión de contenidos

Una descripción general de TwelvePoint, la aplicación para escribir y publicar guiones, obras de teatro y novelas.

Una aplicación profesional de escritura de guiones para macOS e iOS

TwelvePoint es la forma más rápida de escribir un guión en una Mac, iPad y iPhone. Para los principiantes, TwelvePoint ofrece la combinación perfecta de simplicidad, automatización y lo pone al día rápidamente, incluso si no es un escritor experto. Para profesionales, TwelvePoint ofrece una interfaz minimalista, que reduce al mínimo las distracciones, combinada con potentes funciones para acelerar el proceso de redacción y revisión.

Diseñamos cuidadosamente TwelvePoint para que sea una aplicación de escritura de guiones moderna y versátil, capaz de ayudarlo en cualquier etapa de su proceso creativo, para que su historia cobre vida lo más rápido posible. TwelvePoint también es un editor pero no es un procesador de texto. La interfaz se ha estructurado para tener el mínimo posible, eliminamos todos los elementos adicionales o que no necesita o desea. Puede decidir si desea construir su guión con un entorno de apuntar y hacer clic, aprovechando las ventajas de la automatización o simplemente escribir sus líneas directamente. De cualquier manera, TwelvePoint le proporcionará una vista de 360º de su escenario y la publicación está a solo un clic de distancia.

¿Qué hace que TwelvePoint sea una aplicación eficaz para escribir guiones?

Estos son algunos de los principales criterios que consideramos fundamentales al diseñar TwelvePoint:

  • Ambiente de trabajo: TwelvePoint necesita proporcionar un ambiente relajante. Debe ser un espacio acogedor para permitir que el escritor se concentre en la historia.
  • Detalles personalizables: el escritor debe decidir qué información revisar mientras crea una historia, y no debe molestarse con funcionalidades y personalizaciones que no están destinadas a respaldar la escritura de un escenario.
  • Opciones de proceso creativo: TwelvePoint no obligará al escritor a adaptar su flujo creativo. El escritor decide por dónde empezar, si es la sinopsis o escribir directamente la primera sección Acto-Escena.
  • Uso compartido y protección de datos: el contenido debe compartirse fácilmente entre escritores e independientemente del software de terceros. Sin almacenamiento en servidores de terceros.
  • Confiabilidad e integridad: el contenido se puede exportar e importar desde dispositivos certificados. Se requiere la interoperabilidad total entre las versiones de iOS y macOS.
  • Movilidad: TwelvePoint será la aplicación complementaria del escritor. En cualquier momento o lugar, el escritor podrá escribir pensamientos, párrafos de escena, revisar o enviar la versión publicada del escenario.
  • Actualización progresiva: TwelvePoint integrará periódicamente funcionalidades solicitadas por los usuarios o derivadas de las mejores prácticas comerciales habituales. Las nuevas funcionalidades no saturarán la interfaz y estarán actualizadas con el sistema operativo más reciente.
  • Registro, Privacidad y Soporte: TwelvePoint no requerirá el registro del escritor ni proporcionará ningún dato personal para acceder a todas las funcionalidades. Los clientes pueden comunicarse directamente con el Centro de atención al cliente para obtener asistencia.
  • Precio: Compra única. Sin costes ocultos adicionales, sin cuotas mensuales/anuales. Todas las actualizaciones serán gratuitas.

What TwelvePoint is NOT

TwelvePoint is not an editor to write fancy documents, stylized paragraphs or to insert animations or images; in few words: TwelvePoint is not a word processor. Word processors offer a large amount of functionalities that goes far beyond the screenwriting need, so while you can still (obviously), do the basic editing on text, all the other “enrichment” have been left out on purpose. In word processors you need to take care of the page layout (margins, line spacing) and particularly the font. TwelvePoint formats all the content according to the publishing typology selected (movie, teleplay, theater, novel) and adapts the page layout and the formatting to the target standard (e.g., American, Italian, French, or yours). TwelvePoint can import or interpret free-text content in a screenplay-like style, so you can import / export all the time, your scenario in the format you need.

Power at an affordable cost

With TwelvePoint we wanted an application that could be used by anybody with an iPhone or a Mac and high focus has been dedicated to find a balance cost. TwelvePoint is available on the App Store for macOS and iOS at price between $25 USD (iOS version) and $50 USD (macOS version) and that's it. No recurring costs. All the requested new functionalities form the community will be integrated and available to all user at zero-cost.

A simple interface

TwelvePoint takes your plain text script and publish it according to the format you want.

For each project in TwelvePoint, the information is presented in panels. No windows that need to be rearranged or go on another screen. You decide which panel you need and the app remembers the configuration.

Keys combinations are important

When you write, you can use keys combinations to jump from one paragraph to another or to create a new dialogue or action. You can use the pointer, of course, but if you need to stay focus on the lines you are writing, the keyboard is your best friend.

Not just clouds...

You can save and import copy of your projects using the iCloud folders, but also you can just archive them in your mailbox. TwelvePoint implements encryption, this means that you can store copies of your project or scenario directly on your e-mail, so you do not need to pay additional costs for remote storage. Backups are important and there are several ways to archive/save copies of your work.

Set your goals

A screenplay always start from a little idea, a few lines concept that later develops into acts and scenes. TwelvePoint offers a dashboard space in which you can set your goals in a checklist. The status is always visible, and it gives you the 360 degrees view on the status of your scenario.

No need to learn new formatting languages

Plain text can be easily imported in a screenplay project.

Why a writer shall learn a new formatting language? TwelvePoint does not require any additional skill then being able to type. The writer types the content, the app does page layout, text formatting, correct spacing, parsing and much more. If you have a plain text screenplay-like similar to the one below:


Georgi enters the room. It is dark.

He is here!

Is anybody here?

You can import in no-time. If typing is your thing, you can type the whole act of scene just in free-text in a format like the one above; TwelvePoint will interpret the lines and integrate the new content in the project, seamless. This also means that, at any given time you can export your scenario as RTF (for example) send it out for editing to those who do not use TwelvePoint and import back the revised version as a new version, seamless.

Everything has its place

Panels and sections help you filtering just the right amount of information to work on your script.

TwelvePoint presents information the way you ask. You need to add annotations to an action or a dialogue? No problem there is a section for that. You can also associate pictures with your content, copy / paste from internet, your hard drive, anywhere. The reader mode gives you a distraction free space where your quickly review the dialogues or the scenes setup and add some remarks. As usual, in TwelvePoint you can decide whether to highlight the reader notes or just discard them. TwelvePoint presents always the information in an easy-to-browse way. It does not matter how many personages you have in your scenario or locations. TwelvePoint gives you quick summaries to find out where a protagonist is talking or just mentioned.

Export anything at anytime

TwelvePoint supports a variety of export formats, such as text, HTML, RTF, PDF and 12pt (TwelvePoint Project editable format). All the exports can be password protected. This means that only those devices with TwelvePoint installed and the password can read / edit the content. In addition, everything that is text can be exported. Summary notes, synopsis, treatments can be easily shared. Same for review notes and comments.

A Lightweight Scenario

Resources like images are important in a project, they enrich the environment, provide guidelines and inspiration, but you might end up growing the total size of your project. TwelvePoint provides the possibility to select what to share or to export when sending a project through e-mail or archiving it on hard-disk. The size of a project can be extremely compacted, and it is perfect for backing up versions of your scenario.

Mobility is the key

It does not matter where your are. You can start or continue writing your screenplay.

Since a TwelvePoint scenario can be imported seamless from a Mac to an iPad or an iPhone and vice versa, no need to save your thoughts on paper or on a word editor. Projects can be shared via iCloud folders, Air Drop or by e-mail, all in total security.

Typing like in a chat

So now that you are free from any margin constrains, just type actions, dialogues freely. Whether you are using the Mac version or the iPhone version, writing is easy. On an iPhone or iPad you can use a modern interface to quickly edit / arrange / duplicate paragraph. It does not matter if you write with one finger at time or not, when you tap on “publishing” the scenario will always look perfect and balanced. Isn't that incredible that you could write your next script just while commuting on a train?


The storyboarding is another way to design your story with pictures, tags and notes.

TwelvePoint brings storyboarding to the next level. Forget stickers, notes arranged in an unorganized way, writing the same information in too many places... With TwelvePoint you can create your high-level view of your story with images or just with few lines of text, you choose what to see and when.

Finished your story? Let's publish it!

Your scenario is auttamtically generated accordiing to the format selected.

The way you are going to present your scenario is totally independent of the content. This means that your dialogues and actions will be organized on pages, cut if necessary, all following the screenwriting rule that you select. By default, you can select among: American, French, Italian, Korean publishing styles. Of course, you can modify the existing settings create and share your custom publishing rules with other users.

What if I need to translate the scenario in another language?

TwelvePoint supports all the languages available on your device and provides functionalities to migrate a script from one language to another.

TwelvePoint provides powerful tools to speed up the adaptation process of a scenario into another style or language. All the scene headings, transitions and other screenplay related keywords or elements can be configured to represent a new language. This means that just by selecting a new set of publishing rules, your scenario is already conforming to the new language style. TwelvePoint does not translate automatically the content, but using the multi-language features you will be able to reduce dramatically formatting mistakes, wrong pagination and other usually difficult to catch errors.

Empieza a Escribir

Download on the Mac App Store
(Intel, Silicon)
Download on the App Store
(iPhone, iPad, Apple Vision Pro)

Nuestra comunidad

Recuerde que siempre puede comunicarse con nosotros a través de correo electrónico o en las redes sociales: 𝕏, Instagram, Patreon.
Actualizamos constantemente TwelvePoint para brindarle un software de escritura de guiones de última generación. Los comentarios de nuestra comunidad se tienen en cuenta al desarrollar nuevas funcionalidades o eliminar aquellas que ya no se necesitan.

Aprende más: Software de escritura de guiones | Escribe en cualquier lugar con TwelvePoint